Voices of Mexico no. 31

Our Voice

In this issue, three writers analyse the perspectives for fundamental changes in Mexico based on greater pluralistic citizen participation in politics and elections, the recent change in the government, as well as the financial crisis together with the austerity progranzs adopted to overcome it. Soledad Loaeza, Carlos Monsiváis and Lorenzo Meyer share their reflections on the need for working to achieve a structural change in our political system.
Citizens have been insistently demanding that the Chiapas conflict be resolved by political means through negotiations. In Mexico we hear an increasing variety and richness of voices. Civil society has gotten involved and is seeking peacefid change. On Februazy 12 elections viere held in the state of Jalisco, in which the National Action Party (PAN) won the governorship and, for the first time, a majority in the state legislature. In May, elections will be held in Guanajuato and Yucatan, and we hope that these will be characterized by fairness and a high level of citizen participation.




Our Voice
Hugo B. Margáin

Mexican-American Relations

Chicano cinema: a panoramic view
David R. Maciel


Yucatan Atheneum Museum of Contemporary Art
Miguel A. Madrid Jaime

In Memoriam

The death of Sor Juana
Luis Roberto Torres Escalona

Edmundo Valadés and Eduardo Mata
Elsie Montiel

Canadian Affairs

Quebec at the end of the 20th century
Robin Berting

The right to die
Verónica Vázquez García

American Affairs

GOP $$$ talked; did voters listen?
Thomas Ferguson

Federalism and nationhood in North America
Timothy E. Anna

The Miami summit
Hernán Ancona

Mexican Traditions

Mexican apparel
Mónica Ching

Pre-Hispanic fashion in the 20th century

UNAM: On Campus

Electoral processes in North America
Marybel Toro Gayol

The Sculpture Zone
Emilio Coral García

Awakening the body's memory
K. Mitchell Snow

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