Voices of Mexico no. 111

Our Voice

A black canvas with a white dot and tiny bright sparkles, or sometimes, simply the absence of color: that is the representation of the night. As an astronomical phenomenon, the night is simply the time when our side of the Earth stops receiving sunlight. But, beginning with what is written in Genesis, the concept of the nocturnal emerges from the chiaroscuro, from the double-sided binomial of lights and shadows, in which good is associated with the day, and bad, the night: “And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.” This dichotomy continues to prevail in the social imaginary.

Inverting the values associated with day and night, as Alejandra Pizarnik ventures, perhaps the night is life and the Sun, death, may not be enough to deconstruct prejudices and stereotypes, but it is undoubtedly a step that takes us closer to inhabiting the night. As one of our authors writes, this is a territory where things happen, where, just like during the day, part of life happens.



Day and Night, Indistinguishable
Amanda Mijangos

Night Notes
Pablo Rulfo

by Odette Alonso
Ilustrated by Erika Albarrán
And Cristóbal Henestrosa

“Orphan,” a Short Story
by Inés Arredondo
Illustrated by Juan Palomino

Night of Ice, Night of Fire
Graciela Martínez-Zalce

At Night, the Scale of Human Experience
Christian Gómez

Post-photographic Images of the Night
In Mexico City’s Historic Downtown

Violeta Rodríguez Becerril
Carlos Fortuna

Urban Nocturnal Animals
Daniela Serrano Martínez de Velasco
Illustrated by Armando Fonseca

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